Groundsman of the Year Award
Who cuts the grass and marks the lines so your team can enjoy a game of football at the weekend?
We are seeking nominations for this season’s Groundsman of the Year Awards.
Member clubs at Step 7 and below are invited to nominate their grounds people who give up hours of their time to provide the best pitches possible, often using very few resources. This competition is a great way for these volunteers to get recognition for their time and efforts on a local and national level whilst also having the opportunity to meet and talk with the professional groundsmen who conduct the judging.
The first ranked Huntingdonshire club groundsman will go forward to the national judging stage and undergo independent adjudication.
To nominate your groundsman please download the Nomination Form
Click Here for Nomination Form
Please complete and send to: Andy Coles, Senior Football Development Officer.
Postal nominations: FAO Andy Coles, GOTY, Ambury House, 4 Sovereign Court, Lancaster Way, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6XU
The closing date for nominations is Friday 8th February 2019.
We look forward to receiving your nominations.