FREE Floodlight Systems Assessments
Huntingdonshire FA recently renewed it’s partnership with Halliday lighting. To celebrate this renewal Halliday are offering FREE floodlight systems assessments on the 28th and 29th August 2018.
This Offer is open to football clubs who have their own Floodlight systems and are affiliated to Hunts FA.
These assessments are non invasive and will look at existing maintenance practices and the efficiency of the existing systems.
You can discuss your own specific needs and get the expert advise you require free of charge. Maybe you need to extend the life of your existing system? Maybe you would like it to run more efficiently? Maybe it’s time to start thinking about replacement? Maybe you keep blowing bulbs?
Whatever you want to discuss Halliday Lighting can steer you to a range of solutions as required. As county partners you are also entitled to reduced price maintenance and LUX testing packages too so make sure you ask them about the cost and see if it saves you a bit of money. Some of your sites may be eligible for funding support too, so by all means come back to me if you would like to discuss things further afterwards.
Everything is no obligation, it’s just some free support so you can get the best out of your facilities at no additional cost.
If you would like to book, please contact Edward Smith. Edward can then arrange a convenient time with yourself.
Contact: Edward Smith
Maintenance – Key Account Executive
Mobile 07594 088633
Email :