Inclusion Advisory Group
The Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) is a key tactic in promoting football for everyone. It enables Huntingdonshire FA to consult with its diverse communities, and ensures that the services provided meet any gaps in provision.
The IAG will support and advise Huntingdonshire Football Association (HFA) to increase awareness, understanding and knowledge of inclusion, equality and diversity – Huntingdonshire FA to better engage with and thereby better meet the needs of all of our local football communities to help to ensure football is available to everyone.
The group will support the County planning process, foster good relationships with the local community so that football can be used as a vehicle to create positive sporting opportunities and increase participation for all. They will also eliminate unlawful discrimination, bullying, harassment and victimisation, and any form of abuse directed at specific groups.
The IAG shall be working on behalf of The Huntingdonshire Football Association and will report directly to the Huntingdonshire FA Board, with the remit of increasing the diversity of football's talent pool.
Huntingdonshire FA are actively recruiting new members to join our IAG, including an independent Chairperson.