Supporting Young People
We are here to support you
We need to ensure the voice of young players, coaches, referees and volunteers are heard. At Huntingdonshire FA we are committed to helping children have the best possible experience in football.
Children of all ages tell us the main reason they play football is to have fun and be with friends, and we believe that every child should be free to enjoy the game. If you are a young person who is having a difficult time, there are lots of people who can help you, so don’t be afraid to tell someone about it.
That could be your Mum, Dad, or whoever looks after you at home. It could be the Coach of your team,
the Welfare Officer at your club or our Designated Safeguarding Officer. Just remember you don’t have to keep it
to yourself if something is not right. Let us know and we can help.
There are also lots of organisations outside of football who can help young people, like those listed below.
The Offside Trust
Get in Touch
If you have a question about safeguarding in football or want to report a concern, please contact:
By Email:
By Phone: 01480 414422
or visit our safeguarding page for more information here.