Safeguarding and Welfare
Lets make football safe and enJoyable, not sorry.
As football’s governing body in Huntingdonshire, safeguarding is a fundamental aspect of the County FA’s role, and that of its affiliated members.
Collectively we have an ongoing duty to ensure the game is a safe, positive and enjoyable experience for the children, young people and adults who regularly play, watch, coach, referee and volunteer.
Most have a fantastic experience through football – but sadly, some don't. This might be down to over-competitive parents and coaches shouting and constantly criticising them from the side lines (the kind of behaviour that the 'RESPECT' programme is designed to address), or it might be due to some other kind of abusive behaviour towards them.
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility and having welfare officers in all clubs and leagues with teams is crucial to The FA’s simple three-part approach to safeguarding.
This includes:
Getting the right people involved (seeking references and DBS checks).
Creating a safe environment (codes of conduct, education, and best practice).
Promoting clear systems to deal with any concerns (policies and procedures).
We now have a designated volunteer workforce of Welfare Officers who promote and oversee best practice in safeguarding. All clubs with youth sections and youth leagues are required by The FA to have an appointed club and youth league welfare officer. The welfare officers are in place to improve practices at the club and be the first point of contact for any concerns relating to children or adults at risk of harm.
Together, let’s protect our wonderful game – and everyone within it – now and for the future.
Whistle-blowing in a safeguarding context means revealing and raising concerns over misconduct or malpractice within an organisation, or within an independent structure associated with it.
It can be used as an early-warning system or when it’s recognised that appropriate actions have not been taken. This approach or policy is adopted in many different walks of life. Any adult or young person with concerns about a colleague’s conduct towards a child or young person can also use whistleblowing by calling 0800 169 1863 and asking for The FA’s safeguarding team, or via email to:
Alternatively, concerns can be reported:
- Direct to the local Police or Children’s Social Care services; or
- The Child Protection in Sport Unit at; or
- The NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000 or email:
Hunts FA Safeguarding Team
Sarah Hudson
Designated Safeguarding Officer
Gary Marheineke
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer
Mark Ives
Senior Safeguarding Lead
Brett Fairholm
Deputy Senior Safeguarding Lead
Maurice Armstrong
Board Safeguarding Champion
Get In Touch
By Phone: 01480 447484 or 07377 406678
(Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm)
By Email:
Report a Safeguarding Concern to Hunts FA
FA Policies & Procedures
Safeguarding Training and Education
Safer Recruitment & DBS Checks
We welcome any feedback and are always available to help you with your queries. Click the button below to send an enquiry and a member of our Team will get back to you as soon as possible.