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 Board Structure



The FA were the first national governing body in English sport to introduce a regional code of governance, which sets a higher precedent than the current gold standard for sport and aims to provide support and guidance to those running the grassroots game up and down the country.

It takes elements from Tier 3 of the Sport England code of governance - the current gold standard - adapting and elevating them further to work specifically for football at every level of a County FA.

The code outlines key requirements underpinned by five key principles: structurepeoplecommunicationstandards and conduct; and policies and processes.

As the national sport that millions of people play and support across the country, it is important that The FA and CFAs serve and lead the game as effectively as possible. This new regional code of governance will support that by ensuring County FAs are best placed to deliver football as well as represent and support the communities they serve.


Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Commitment

Huntingdonshire FA are committed to aim to increase the diversity of our Board to ensure that it reflects the Huntingdonshire football community. In our Equality Action Plan we have a specific target regarding this.


Increase Diversity on the Board.

Huntingdonshire FA has ambitions to ensure its leadership represents and reflects the diversity of the local community (as appropriate). This includes the adoption of further Board diversity targets to include but not be limited to culturally diverse backgrounds,  historically under represented groups  (previously referred to as BAME)  and disability. The targets shall reflect the diversity of our local area as evidenced through local demographic data (Census Maps - Census 2021 data interactive, ONS)

We have a target of a minimum of 30% female members of the Board- this is currently at 20%. 

We have a target of a minimum of 17% members of the Board who have a disability. 

These targets will look to be delivered in line with the 2024-28 strategy.

With the Board having 2 current vacancies, we will look to meet this target once we have a fully complimented Board.


Governance Documents


Articles of Association 2024-2025

Hunts FA Strategy 2024-2028

Board Structure

Council Structure

2023 Annual Report & Accounts

2024 Annual Report & Accounts

2024 AGM Minutes